How Pharmacists Help in Disease State Management?


Nowadays, in our area, our neighborhood pharmacy offers comprehensive disease state management programs to patients for them to be able to prevent or minimize the effects of the disease through the integrated higher level of care that is offered in the program.

This program aims to help the patients, that are diagnosed with chronic diseases, improve their quality of life and health. This is designed to treat the chronic conditions they are with more quickly and effectively so that the progression of the disease will be slowed down or minimized.

In this type of programs, a pharmacist is ideal to be involved since:

  • they deal with both the patient and the health care providers
  • they will be the instrument that will help link the bridge between the two.

Trained pharmacists can:

  • evaluate medication therapies
  • help patients manage certain medication problems by identifying certain drug-related problems.

On the other hand, they can also help physicians deepen their knowledge and understanding about specific treatment guidelines.

Hence the reason why pharmacists have a significant impact on the development and implementation of this program.

You 1st Pharmacy as a retail pharmacy in Gastonia North, Carolina, believes and understands that our client’s health is important that is why we aim to educate them regarding their health status and the effect of the medicines that they are taking.

As a pharmacy in North Carolina that offers this kind of service to patients suffering from certain diseases that are critical to their health. If you would like to inquire further about the program, please send us a message or contact us through the contact information we have provided.

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