Ibuprofen vs. Paracetamol: What Is the Difference?

Ibuprofen vs. Paracetamol: What Is the Difference?

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Among the most frequent items asked for in a Pharmacy in North Carolina are Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Is there any difference between the two? What are these differences?

To start, both of them are for your pain. As painkillers, they take away the discomfort of your pain. However, these medicines differ in how they work, how they interact with other medications, and how they work in the human body.

One does not need to eat before taking in paracetamol. It can also be safely consumed with other medications. However, experts do not advise Ibuprofen for everyone. People with allergies, stomach ulcers, heart failure, or liver disease must avoid Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen’s interaction with other medications is also unpredictable.

Paracetamol is commonly available in 500mg tablets or 500mg capsules with liquid options for children. Ibuprofen is also widely available in different forms, with Ibuprofen gel as a popular relief for muscle or back pain.

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