What Challenges Do Seniors Face With Medications?

If you have an aging loved one at home, you may have witnessed the numerous challenges they face every day. From the moment they wake up, most seniors already have the burden of not being able to move well among many struggles, and sometimes, this can also include difficulties with medication adherence

At our retail pharmacy in North Carolina, we often hear numerous problems from customers who are in need of our advice, and we know all too well that among seniors, it is common for them to not take their medications on time or at all. Aside from memory problems, below are a few reasons:

  • Feelings of fear

    Your loved one is likely to feel anxious about the potential side effects their medications carry.

  • Problems with cost

    This is a significant barrier for most patients, leading to not filling their medicine in the first place.

  • Confusion

    Non-adherence mainly occurs when your loved one doesn’t understand their medications.

When your loved one needs to be taking multiple medications at once for their health, they have the risk of interaction among drugs. Worry no more, as You 1st Pharmacy is ready to help and prevent such harm to your loved one’s well-being.

As we continue to offer our high-quality pharmaceutical services in North Carolina, our goal is to make sure that each one of our clients stays safe at all times. With our top-quality products and services, we will lead you and your loved ones to a better quality of life.

We assure you that our pharmacy in Gastonia, North Carolina, is the best place to get your medications, as we comprise highly skilled and trustworthy staff who are ready to be of service to you. Contact us today for more details!

Source: https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/patient-support-advocacy/8-reasons-patients-dont-take-their-medications


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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